Students from KCD with Janice Cates, Director of Development and Compassion Initiatives, Suzanne Wright, Director of Academic Project Management at Jefferson County Public Schools and Compassionate Louisville Board Member, Dr. Muhammad Babar, DHC President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees Compassionate Louisville, Sarah Moran, Kentucky country day school teacher, and Dr. Waqar Saleem, Vice President, Doctors for Healthy Communities.
Hundreds of Louisville children and teens don’t have jackets to keep them warm through this cold winter season. The partnership of Kentucky Country Day School and Doctors for Healthy Communities (DHC) are preparing to meet this need, thanks to a donation drive on the school’s campus, December 17th.
“We’re excited to provide this simple comfort to our fellow citizens,” said DHC Vice-President Waqar Saleem, MD. “No one should have to go to sleep cold in the city of Louisville, especially not the youngest of us.”
Kentucky Country Day School students, staff and volunteers collected 130 children’s jackets, coats and other warm weather attire during the event. These supplies were delivered to five JCPS schools and Coalition of Homelessness. This is part of a concerted effort by DHC to ease the lives of children growing up without basic necessities.
The organization has also long been a partner of Camp Taylor Elementary School’s Blessings in a Backpack program. DHC recently expanded that program across a few other Jefferson County Public Schools and are working on other supply and fundraising efforts to be announced in 2020.
“This is just a humble gesture to support our youngest fellow citizens who hold key to our future as a nation. Ours is a City of Compassion which is on a journey to truly become a community in which everyone is treated the way we want to be treated.” said Dr. Muhammad Babar who is President of Doctors for Healthy Communities (DHC) and President of the Compassionate Louisville Board of Trustees. To learn more about Doctors for Healthy Communities, visit www.dhcus.org. For more information on Kentucky Country Day School, visit www.kcd.org.